SABA encourages membership to bonsai clubs. Bonsai clubs are great way to meet people who share the same interest in the art. One of the main benefits of joining a bonsai club is improving your own skill and techniques. Many clubs will feature demonstrations or workshops by well known artists around the country. We know the best way to learn is through collaboration with other members as everybody has a different vision for a bonsai tree. By joining a club, you have the opportunity to learn from others and share ideas and tips. Below we have listed clubs by province, check out the nearest one close to you. If you have any difficulty, please email us on info@saba.org.za.
Club and Vendor listing is registered members of SABA. Should you wish to register your Club or register as a vendor please go to our membership page and you can complete online.
SABA does not endorse or approve, nor do we assume any responsibility for any transactions, products or services regarding the vendors listed on this website.
FREE STATEBLOEMFONTEIN BONSAI KAI Bloemfontein phone: 083 305 8413 Heinrich Kohne email: hkohne49@gmail.com PLATBERG BONSAI KAI Harrismith Marianne Odendaal phone: 083 454 9174 email: mariann@hdg.co.za
EASTERN CAPEBORDER BONSAI SOCIETY Gonubie phone: 084 057 2557 Phillip Wynne email: phillipwynne@gmail.com EASTERN PROVINCE BONSAI KAI Port Elizabeth phone: 084 477 8763 Sally Sanders email: info@epbonsai.co.za SUNSHINE COAST BONSAI CLUB Port Alfred David Brewis phone: 0796421460. email entppls@gmail.com KATRIVIER BONSAI KAI George phone: 0448733124 email: admin@katrivierkai.co.za
GAUTENGEASTERN BONSAI SOCIETY Houghton Estate www.ebs.org.za Phone: 082 336 5425 Anthoney Bosman email: anthoney@firzt.co.za FAR WEST BONSAI KAI Randfontein Phone: 083 710 4243 Kathy Steyn email: kathybonsaimagic@gmail.com MIDWAY BONSAI SOCIETY Midrand www.midwabonsai.co.za Phone: 083 775 0597 Thivern Pillay email: Thivern.Pillay@experian.com PRETORIA BONSAI KAI Pretoria Org Exley Phone: 082 809 2037 email: org.exley@gmail.com www.pretoriabonsaikai.org SHIBUI BONSAI KAI Emmerentia Ruza Whittaker Phone: 083 873 7955 email: bonsaiikebana@mweb.co.za SUIKERBOS BONSAI KAI Heidelberg Stefann Pretorius phone: 084 924 3820 URBAN BONSAI SOCIETY East Rand / Ekurhuleni phone: 061 584 4079 email: info@urbanbonsaisociety.com VAAL BONSAI KAI Vereeniging Phone: 083 414 6472 Deon Rynders email: orthorite@webhome.co.za
LIMPOPOTZANEEN BONSAI CLUB Tzaneen phone: 083 259 2806 Hennie Smit email: hennie@midastzaneen.co.za WATERBERG BONSAIKLUB Naboomspruit phone: 083 468 3578 Ian Pringle email: pringle@wisurf.co.za
WESTERN CAPEBLAAUWBERG BONSAI KAI Melkbosstrand phone: 076 529 7848 Dawn Collier email: blaauwbergbonsaikai@gmail.com BOLAND BONSAI KAI Stellenbosch phone: 082 865 0040 Winfried Ludeman email: bolandbonsaikai@gmail.com BONSAI SOCIETY SA Goodwood phone: 082 870 6212 Ben van Heerden email: pekebonsai@vodamail.co.za CAPE BONSAI KAI Newlands phone: 083 267 9935 Kevin Kelly email: kkelly@evaluaid.co.za www.capebonsaikai.co.za CW BONSAI CLUB Worcester phone: 082 776 7288 Ben-Herman Pieterse email: benhermanpieterse@gmail.com OYAMA BONSAI KAI www.oyama.co.za Plumstead phone: 084 664 1234 Phil Levitt email: oyamabonsai@gmail.com TYGERBERG BONSAI KAI Durbanville phone: 076 754 5895 Percy Acutt email: tygerbergbonsaiclub@gmail.com
KWAZULU NATALDURBAN BONSAI SOCIETY Durban Scott Bredin - Chair Arthri Rumrung - Secretary club email: durbanbonsaisociety@gmail.com KENGAI BONSAI KAI Hillcrest phone: 083 254 1022 Lynn Theodoro email: mistyboonbonsai@gmail.com ZULULAND BONSAI SOCIETY Richards Bay phone: 083 440 1650 Celia Gericke email: cgericke@intekom.co.za PIETERMARTIZBURG BONSAI SOCIETY Pietermaritzburg phone: 082 458 0977 Malcolm Powell email: mip@wessa.co.za
NORTHERN CAPEKALAHARI BONSAI KAI Upington Karin Oberholster phone: 0723746642 email: koberholster@gmail.com KIMBERLEY BONSAI KAI Kimberley Kwet van der Merwe phone: 063 691 1598 email: kwet105@gmail.com
MPUMALANGAMOYOGI BONSAI KAI Witbank phone: 082 499 0121 Marlene Visagie NELSPRUIT BONSAI KAI Nelspruit Chairman: Tola Smit 083 680 7574 Secretary: Kobus Trichardt 083 289 9434 E-Mail address: kobust@mweb.co.za
WESTERN CAPEViky Petermann Tel: 082 493 1818 email: viky-_@hotmail.com Carl Morrow Tel: 082 964 4857 email: carl@bonsai.co.za Brett Simon Tel: 086 925 1339 Freddie Bisschoff Tel: 084 630 7447 email: Freddie.bisschoff@capetown.gov.za Terry Erasmus Tel: 082 890 7927 email: info@bonsaitree.co.za Phil Levitt Tel: 082 557 1066 email: phil@pottersyard.co.za
MPUMALANGAEddie Jenner Tel: 083 324 6671 email: bonsaiafrica@gmail.com Andre Moller Tel: 083 675 1076 email: dnamoller@gmail.com Tola Smit Tel: 083 680 7574 email: tola@buhlebetfu.co.za
KWAZULU NATALFarouk Patel Tel: 082 678 6572 email: farouk@faron.co.za
GAUTENGKathy Steyn Tel: 083 71 4243 email: kathybonsaimagic@gmail.com Jonathan Cain Tel: 083 698 9096 email: jonathan@bonsaisa.co.za Org Exley Tel: 082 809 2037 email: org.exley@gmail.com Francois van As email: fvanas@uj.ac.za Leonard le Roux Tel: 076 076 8046 Chris van de Vyver Tel: 074 571 3318 email: chris@secundabonsaikai.co.za Ruza Whittaker Tel: 011 788 614 email: ruza@avexair.com Hannes Fritz Tel: 079 502 2972 email: hannesthel@gmail.com Stefann Pretorius Tel: 084 924 3820 Deon Rynders Tel: 083 414 6472 email: orthorite@webhome.co.za
EASTERN CAPERobbie de Witt Tel: 083 699 4570 email: kulugilewelding2@gmail,com Jean Martens Tel: 083 983 3992 email: jeanleonoramartens@gmail.com
MPUMALANGA!MyBonsai Frewin Street 1 B, Clubville, Middelburg Contact - Daandré Cell/WhatsApp 0604765191
GAUTENGBonsai Magic Plot 67, Pieter Road Loumarina Randfontein Gauteng Tel: 083 710 4243 www.bonsaimagic.co.za Jo-Da Bonsai Greenhouse 25 218, 8th Ave Pomona Tel: 061 584 4079 www.jodabonsai.com Mikibu Bonsai 28 Olifansfontein Road Glen Austin Midrand Tel: 083 698 9069 www.bonsaisa.co.za To Be A Bonsai cnr 4th avenue &, 8th St, Linden, Johannesburg, 2195 Tel: 083 325 0509 instagram account: www.instagram.com/tobeabonsai/ Bonsai Whispers 5 Karee Street Klipoortjie AH Germiston Tel: 076 621 1260 www.bonsaiwhispers.co.za Plant It Nursery (Pty) Ltd. Ecommerce only at this time Phone: 071 874 9932 Email: plant.it.bonsai@gmail.com Website: www.plant-it-nursery.com
WESTERN CAPEBishopsford Bonsai Nursery 3 Muscat Lane South Nova Constantia 7806 Cape Town Tel: 079 306 6900 www.bishopfordbonsai.co.za Bonsai Tree ONLINE STORE Somerset West Cape Town Tel: 021 808 1626 www.bonsaitree.co.za Plant Life International Ceres (contact via WhatsApp for exact location) Tel/WhatsApp: 0825777194 Email: admin@plantlifeinternational.com www.facebook.com/plantlifeinternational www.instagram.com/plantlife_international Stone Lantern Nursery 32 Owl St, Joostenberg Vlakte, Cape Town, 7550 Tel: 083 375 0446 https://www.stonelantern.co.za/