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Dawn Collier


Dawn was first introduced to bonsai about 25 years ago when her husband bought her first tree, which subsequently died. A few years later, seeing an advert in the local paper, for the new Blaauwberg Bonsai club, Dawn joined to gain a better understanding of the cause of the demise of her tree. This propelled her "little" hobby to new heights as she was constantly searching for more information amongst the bonsai community in the Western Cape. Dawn quickly realised that a bonsai is a forever, evolving, growing art form and decided to visit one of the well known Bonsai Masters at the time, Rudy Adams, for lessons.  Dawn now is dedicated to passing on those valuable lessons to the next generation of growers.  Dawn has been Chairperson of Blaauwberg Bonsai Kai a few times over the years and is currently Chair of CRAB- Cape Regional Association of Bonsai.  She firmly believes in expanding and sharing knowledge and that one must try to attend as many conventions, festivals and bonsai activities as possible, as this contributes to learning and growing successful bonsai. 

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