For almost 40 years, Vian has been engrossed in growing and developing bonsai in South Africa. The bonsai bug first bit in 1985 when as a first-year student looking for a hobby to clear his mind and relax after long classes and study sessions. A photo of a juniper planted on a rock in a hobby book fascinated him so much that he went out into the garden and dug up a Celtis sinensis to bonsai – he still has that tree today! The Bloemfontein Bonsai Kai was started the following year by Vian and a few others and slowly but surely we learned and developed to where we are today – a relaxed, social club learning from each other and enjoying what is only a hobby to us.
Since then he has been on the Bloemfontein Bonsai Kai’s committee most of the time as well as chairman for many years. He also is a past President of both SABA and ABA